Craig Foucht, a member of the Wayne County Board of Education, presents the NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year award to Spring Creek Elementary third-grade teacher Ashley Harper. (Contributed photo)

Craig Foucht, a member of the Wayne County Board of Education, presents the NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year award to Spring Creek Elementary third-grade teacher Ashley Harper. (Contributed photo)

SEVEN SPRINGS — Spring Creek Elementary third-grade teacher, Ashley Harper, has been named the North Carolina Center For The Advancement Of Teaching (NCCAT) 2025 Empower Beginning Teacher of the Year for Wayne County Public Schools (WCPS).

A surprise announcement for the second-year teacher, along with a presentation of balloons and a sign, was recently made by the WCPS superintendent and Human Resources Department.

Harper was also recognized by the Wayne County Board of Education for her achievement during its October meeting.

“Mrs. Harper creates a learning environment where students feel supported, challenged, and motivated to achieve their best.” Said Lori Goodman, SCE principal. “Her incredible work, commitment, leadership, and dedication play a vital role in fostering an environment where our students can thrive, and the results speak for themselves.”

The NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year program was developed to honor beginning teachers and to retain teachers who show promise as excellent teachers and education leaders in North Carolina public schools and public charter schools.

Harper will now compete against other beginning teachers from across the state who were also named a NCCAT Empower Beginning Teacher of the Year by their school district or charter school.

Finalists in the NCCAT program will be named in December.

“We congratulate Ashley for receiving this special NCCAT recognition and wish her the very best as she moves on to the next stage of the awards program,” said Dr. Marc Whichard, superintendent of WCPS.